How to write good emails

Email is the leading form of communication in business. To make sure you are communicating effectively, being heard and getting things accomplished easily, here are 7 simple tips for writing better emails.



  1. Subject is CRUCIAL. Avoid one or two word subjects because they are not specific. The subject of the email needs to act as a headline and hints at what is in the body of the email. Pick words that set this email apart from the tons of other emails everyone receives.
  2. Change the subject when the message changes so people can sort and easily find what’s relevant.
  3. Always write the most important information at the beginning of the email. For example, state what the person you’re writing to is supposed to act on.
  4. Keep in mind what the reader needs to know, what the reader wants to know, and what the reader needs to do. Does the reader have sufficient information?
  5. Communicate with confidence. It’s not rude to be upfront about deadlines, needs, or other points – it’s BUSINESS.
  6. Format the content in order of most to least important information, and general to specific. Make a statement, then support it with facts.
  7. Begin most email messages with a 2-4 sentence  intro paragraph that captures the essential points from the entire message. Capture the highlights because most of us scan email for efficiency.


RED PR is a boutique public relations firm in New York specializing in beauty, fashion and lifestyle. Contact us to help your company craft more effective communications.

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