With OOO vacation replies winding down, RED PR is happy to bring back our Scarlet NewsLetter. We’ll share valuable insights and tips that’ll help you improve your communications strategies. Our goal is to help you be more informed and less cheugy to your TikTok obsessed interns or kids.

Read on for our first installment —

People Crave Community

It’s no secret to city-dwellers that running clubs have taken over. It’s nearly impossible to grab a morning cup of coffee without being nearly run over by a sea of hundreds of sweaty, wellness-focused joggers. A TikTok clip by @MollyBouchon shows a stampede of runners in NYC, captioned “I probably got passed by 7 diff run clubs this morning, each w 100-200 ppl lmao ☠️.” [Video link]

Similar scenes are popping up everywhere, from Chicago (record marathoners this year) to London, Tampa, and Boston. It’s not just running – the board game market is booming (expected to grow $3.42 billion by 2027), and The Cut magazine is thriving with monthly events (like a fragrance event with Byredo). Facebook groups are surging, with millennials using them for career advice or BIPOC women connecting over luxury brands. The message is clear: people crave community anc connection.

What does this mean for brands?

What once was found on Saturday or Sunday mornings spent under the light of stained glass is now the hottest commodity of all, an engaged and thriving community. As religion has become less central to modern life, people are looking for community via the new staple: consumerism & the latest trends.

Seasonal trends dominate social media and editorial calendars. Long-lasting trends like #SoftGirl and #BarbieCore can linger for months, while fleeting trends like #SoDemure,  #GORPCORE or #GardenGirl come and go. These moments offer glimpses of community, like “Brat Summer” (inspired by Charli XCX’s album) – a chaotic extension of last year’s “Hot Girl Summer.

Quick trends are beneficial to hop onto when aligned with the brand or products — either via a social campaign, influencer partnerships, or editorial pitching. They can be short-term successes that drive additional touchpoints for consumers but don’t ultimately create a community of brand-fans for the long-term.

To create a community, or influence an already available community, it’s imperative to understand that communities survive off of a shared value or interest — generally one that is more substantial than a shallow liking to a particular good. Running clubs are fueled by a shared appreciation of wellness. Reddit groups share passion towards broad topics like parenting to niche interests like fantasy series, A Court of Thorns and Roses.

Building a Community Around Shared Values

For brands seeking loyal fans, the key is identifying and aligning with your consumers’ values. Wellness or sports brands can sponsor local running clubs. Peloton, a home fitness brand, boasts a private Facebook group with nearly half a million members who share tips and achievements. Portland Leather Goods has an “Insiders” group of over 122,000 users who connect over their collections and get updates on new products (source: Modern Retail). These strategies are successful because they’re authentic and benefit the communities they embrace.

Tips for Creating a Thriving Community

  • Understand Your Audience: Deep dive into your consumers’ values, shopping habits, and media preferences. An energy drink brand called Gorgie noticed many of their customers were nurses, so they launched a consumer sampling campaign targeting healthcare professionals.
  • Meet Your Audience Where They Are: Each platform (Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube) has its strengths. Identify where your audience spends time and consider running communities on multiple platforms.
  • Add Value: How can your brand be of service without selling?
  • Create Engaging Content: The Cut’s success story is a prime example. Their content strikes a balance between being controversial and relatable, sparking discussions and mentions across social media platforms. While controversy isn’t necessary, creating content that evokes reactions and encourages engagement is key. Ask open-ended questions, bring in experts for Q&A sessions in the comments.
  • Listen to Your Audience: Actively listen to your audience’s conversations and respond appropriately. Your social media platforms should be an open dialogue. Address common complaints and use various channels (Instagram posts, influencer briefs, email copy) to answer the questions you see popping up the most.

Ready to Build Your Brand Community?

If you’re looking for guidance on creating a community of loyal brand fans or crafting winning communications strategies, RED PR is here to help. Contact us at RED@RED-PR.com for more information.

TL;DR: People crave connection and community. This is an opportunity for brands to build authentic relationships with their audience and foster connections among like-minded consumers when they dial in to how to add meaningful value. .

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